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Going Underground – International Short Film Festival

Going Underground – International Short Film Festival

Berlin, Germania

Novembre 3 – 8, 2009
Info di contatto

E-mail: interfilm@interfilm.de



Going Underground – International Short Film Festival

Berlin, Germania

Novembre 3 – 8, 2009
Info di contatto

E-mail: interfilm@interfilm.de

Contatto: Alex Stein (Director)

Telefono: 49-(0)30-25-29-1322, 49-(0)30-25-29-1321

Sito web: http://www.interfilm.de/
Recapito postale:

interfilm Berlin Management GmbH, internationales Kurzfilmfestival und Kurzfilmverleih, Tempelhofer Ufer 1a, 10961, Berlin, Germany

Fondato: –

Affluenza: –

Categorie: Corti

Durata: < 5 min Ingresso (USD): no data Richiedi scadenza inserimenti: Novembre 3, 2009 Info sul festival In cooperation with “Berliner Fenster,” interfilm Berlin has been taking art culture to subterranean Berlin: On over 4,000 monitors in Berlin subways, 1.6 million passengers turn into an underground movie audience for one week, and can vote for their favorite of the 14 films. A total of 60,000 citizens voted during the last four festivals, giving the short film genre quite a popularity push. Requisiti This festival accepts submissions to the following sections: Super narrative shorts, maximum 90 seconds, being screened in the Berlin Underground. Competition Programmes: International Competition, German Competition, Short Film Competition for Children and Youth KUKI, Short Documentary, Confrontations and Audience Competition. Premi Information is not provided.

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