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Ffresh – Student Moving Image Festival of Wales 2010



Ffresh – Student Moving Image Festival of Wales 2010

Aberystwyth, Regno Unito

Febbraio 11 – 13, 2010

Info di contatto

E-mail: james@ffresh.com

Contatto: James Nee (Director)

Telefono: 44-(0)29-20-232-746

Sito web: http://www.ffresh.com/

Recapito postale: Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DE, United Kingdom



Categorie: Animazione Lungometraggi Generali Musica Corti

Durata: < 5 min 5-20 min 20-40 min > 40 min

Ingresso (USD):

Richiedi scadenza inserimenti: Gennaio 1, 2008

Info sul festival

Dancing robots, sustainable development, the Amazon, killer teddy bears, architecture and multimedia, The Mill, the prestigious Ffresh Awards, and the very best international moving image talent, plus much, much more: Welcome to Ffresh 2009! Now in its seventh year, Ffresh annually plays host to 800 people including students, lecturers, industry professionals, and members of the general public. The festival programme consists of student work from Wales, the UK and abroad, the Ffresh Awards Show, previews of some of the year’s most anticipated films, an exclusive multimedia exhibition, the return of Pitch to Win, and masterclasses, panel sessions and workshops with some of the industry’s most renowned and respected figures.


Festival accepts for directors submissions all genres


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